Library of Congress: General Search using a Surname

Our first stop on our Genealogy Technology Trek is to the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.  The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world.  Over 50 million resources have been digitized and made available through the Library’s web site. Possibly, you may have family members hiding out among these 50 million+ resources. This episode’s vlog demonstrates using the general search on the Library’s front page to search on a surname with a location to see if you have family members. Although many of your ancestors may not  come up in the general search, you may find a rare gem hiding within the National Treasures of the Library of Congress.  Try it out.  If you find something, please share within the comments.

There are many items that you family may appear in within the Library’s resources that do not come up through the general search.  Stay tuned for future episodes on other ways to search for your family on the Library’s web site.

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